Presenting Danny


Presenting Danny

I’m always surprised how Instagram has helped me to get to know so many amazing people. Danny is one of them and it took quite some time until it finally happened and we met in person. He lives in Los Angeles and since I visit quite often, I have been trying to get together at least 3 times…but it never worked due to our schedules. This time it FINALLY worked out and although I was really exhausted (I had just flown in 2 hours before meeting him), we had a wonderful time.

We decided to shoot at two locations – one being the Point Vicente Lighthouse near Palos Verdes south of Torrance and another one being a nice hotel room. We were extremely lucky for the outdoor shots – it was a stunning sunset and we made it there right in time after driving around for a while and looking for the perfect spot. But then we found it and the views were simply spectacular!

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