Love Has No Preference

I had the idea for this series some time ago when I thought about a way to photographically describe a relationship between two men. I didn’t want to focus on the sexual part of it but wanted to guide the viewer towards the emotional side of a gay partnership. We all know that males usually tend to be described as the „strong gender“ – hence not being allowed to show emotions or weaknesses.

My aim was, to take the man out of this very lonely role as a provider or strong part. I wanted to show that in a gay relationship, both parties can be manly and tender at the same time. They can be strong but are still allowed to show weakness. They can be a shoulder to lean on but at the same time they could need someone to lean on, too.

Yes – I am aware of the fact that some of the photos do in deed have an erotic nature…especially the ones that depict blind trust and devotion. But since I mostly shoot artistic nudes, this lies in the nature of my work.

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