Speededit Fiery Fall
Summer is over and I haven’t done a speededit video in a long time…so here it is: the fall edition!
This time I went into the woods to shoot some self portraits with the beautiful light right before sunset and I found the perfect spot for it. The shoot itself was kind of straight forward: take a tripod, stick the camera on there, use a 50mm at f1.8 and a remote control, frame your shot, get naked and shoot away. It was a little intimidating because I didn’t want anyone to accidently run into me shooting naked in the woods…but hey – art takes sacrifice sometime.
The shots weren’t easy and I’m probably gonna take an assistant with me next time but I’m pretty happy with how they turned out and editing them was a lot of fun.
This shot is called “Fiery Fall II” – if you want to see Fiery Fall I, go to the nudes section on the website and you will find it.
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